Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Design a Free Website in Two Minutes

Here at Webphemera we showcase some of the best sites available on the internet. One feeling that is provoked in many of our readers is a feeling of Why Can’t I create something like that? OK, maybe you can.  Guess what too?  It doesn't have to take forever.

True, true. There are quite a number of websites out there that claim to be able to give you the website that everyone will want to see, but none deliver quite as much as this particular free website . From here you can do just about anything that you want and the great thing is that it is designed for anyone.

Yes, anyone – no big coding degree necessary – can develop their own free website with the same IT skills that you may use to write a letter or create a simple presentation.  You should try it out.

Of course, competitors seem to be able to design and create all singing and dancing websites. They look like they took a million dollars to design, create and build but nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to building a free website .

You may know nothing about web design and the terminology - people all bandy this flash word around like they were born with it in their mouths. Building a free website with its own flash built in is easy enough without being a programmer (and they hate you for saying that but it is true).

It doesn’t really matter what your own website will be about either – it could be music, photography, business, real estate, food or anything else for that matter, if you want a free website then you can create something quick and easily yourself these days!